Information Security Policy
Vector, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the “Vector Group”) formulated the Information Security Policy as follows. As an organization that provides exceptional media communications services, the Vector Group will undertake efforts across the board to continuously maintain and improve information security so as to gain the trust of society at all times.
- We shall clarify our responsibilities regarding information security and establish a system for implementing information security measures.
- We shall identify information security risks to the Vector Group from the perspectives of confidentiality, integrity and availability so as to appropriately formulate and implement such security measures.
- We shall comply with laws and regulations, national guidelines, contractual obligations, and other standards related to information security.
- We shall regularly check the status of maintenance and operation of an information security management system, and continuously review the system and make improvements.
- We shall provide education on information security to raise awareness among all officers and employees.
Vector Group
Keiji Nishie, Representative Director
December 12, 2012
Revised November 17, 2014
Revised May 20, 2020
Revised March 1, 2022
Certification acquired
Acquire ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013 (JISQ 27001 : 2014) certification
As of January 2023, ISO certification has been obtained by eleven Vector Group companies (Vector, ANTIL, Platinum, INITIAL, Public Affairs Japan, SIGNAL, VECKS, SMARTMEDIA INC. CLIPKIT DEVELOPMENT MAINENANCE SECTION, Direct Tech, INFLUENCER BANK and Performance Technologies).