Contribution to the Environment
Response to climate change
The VECTOR Group is working to reduce green house gases and eliminate waste through its business activities. We will continue to strive to lower the emissions and the environmental impact generated from our main offices in Japan and overseas, and we will make efforts to enhance business efficiency while reducing total CO2 emissions.
Reducing environmental impact by engaging in cooperative purchase and eliminating paper
Our Head Office in Tokyo and subsidiaries jointly purchase stationary items to ensure the effective utilization of resources and the separation of waste. In addition, we are eliminating the use of paper by using projectors and monitors as the standard way of sharing materials and data at our internal meetings and conferences. Furthermore, opportunities to carry out meetings and presentations with clients online have increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing us to expand paperless work throughout the business. (Use of paper reduced by 55% in fiscal 2021 compared to fiscal 2020.)

Reducing environmental impact by conducting virtual presentations
Conventional events and presentations generate a significant amount of waste. We are working to reduce waste and the impact on the environment by holding virtual presentations online.
Launch of “Virtual Presentations” and “Brand News”―Corporate PR solutions that deliver a new standard and allow client companies to maximize the benefit of their presentation opportunities
In July 2021, we launched Virtual Presentations, a solution that utilizes computer graphics (CG) to effectively present a brand’s philosophy, and Brand News, which allows companies to deliver news themselves on the day of their presentations.
Recently, the holding of press conferences and PR events online has become a firmly established practice in communication industry, and this trend is expected to continue even in the post-COVID era. Virtual Presentation and Brand News fully harness the advantages of being online solutions. By recording in a green screen studio and utilizing approximately 100 types of CG venue designs, we are able to create presentations in the virtual space.

1.Recorded in advance
Presentations can be filmed in advance to suit the schedules of the presenters and guest speakers. Recording is also carried out in a flexible manner, allowing the quality of presentation material to be monitored.
2.Effective use of materials
Presentation materials can be prepared in advance allowing them to be used to their full potential on the day of the presentation. Companies can deliver news themselves, and the content that they present online is stored and accumulated, which is expected to have an ongoing effect on capturing audiences.
3.Cost reduction
Costs such as those related to the use and set-up of venues, and event management, are greatly reduced.
Production process
(1) The presentation is recorded in advance in accordance with the schedules of the presenters (arrangement of green screen studio, recording equipment, and filming crew).
(2) The background is selected from approximately 100 different design templates.
(3) The background is created, and the presentation material is then completed. Other related official materials are also edited and prepared.
(4) The material is presented via a streaming platform on the day of the presentation, followed by the distribution of related official materials.
(5) The Brand News is streamed after the presentation is finished (the client’s social media and video ads for targeting).
Endorsement of the TCFD recommendations
In July 2021, VECTOR INC. announced its endorsement of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The TCFD has been established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to provide guidelines for the reporting of business and financial information that takes into account the impacts of climate change. Currently, there are 2,400 companies and organizations through the world and 475 in Japan that have endorsed the TCFD recommendations.

Joining the TCFD Consortium
Following the announcement of its endorsement of the TCFD recommendations, in August 2021, VECTOR INC. joined the TCFD Consortium, which was established to allow companies and financial institutions in Japan who have endorsed the recommendations to engage in discussion together. As of August 26, 2021, 398 companies and organizations across Japan have joined the TCFD Consortium.