External Director
Kota Matsuda
- 1990
- Joined The Sanwa Bank, Ltd. (now MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
- 1998
- Founded Tully’s Coffee Japan Co., Ltd. and appointed CEO
- 2009
- Founded Eggs'n Things International Holdings Pte. Ltd. and appointed President (current position)
- 2010
- Elected as a member of the House of Councilors of the Diet from the Tokyo electoral district
- 2015
- Formed a political party “The Assembly to Energize Japan” and appointed Representative
- 2017
- Director of Mediaflag Inc. (now Impact HD Inc.) (current position)
- 2018
- Director of VECTOR INC.(current position)
- 2019
- Founded Eggs’n Things Japan Holdings G.K. (now KooJoo Co., Ltd.) and appointed CEO (current position)